Thankful AND Blessed

Thankfulness is a choice....and for me its something that comes and goes. Something I don't always put into practice. Being blessed isn't necessarily a choice. You can't choose to be blessed. But you can choose to take a step back out of the normal chaos in life....and find thankfulness for all that you've been given. I can't say it comes naturally...but as I look back on the life I lived, I've begun to realize ALL that I have. And all that's been given to me. All of which I will never deserve. But truly....I am beyond THANKFUL for the beautiful family I have. One that I didn't choose, but was given. One that loves me unconditionally. One that gives up so much of themselves to fill others needs. I'm truly blessed with the amazing friends that I have. All of them, I wouldn't trade for anyone else.....❤ And the last thing....I'm very blessed with the life I've been given to live. Full of mistakes, experiences, challenges, trials....all ...